info@Elector.Vote (771)777-8492

Change #1 - Electors are Free Agents

The Supreme Court made a big mistake on July 6th, 2020 regarding "Faithless" Electors that must be corrected. Contrary to everything the Founding Fathers said, the Supreme Court declared that Electors are Agents of the State and not Free Agents as intended.

Change #2 - Eliminate Elector Pledges

29 states and the District of Columbia require Electors to pledge to vote for their candidate thus depriving them of the ability to debate and vote for the best person for President that the Founding Fathers wanted them to do.

Change #3 - Eliminate Winner-Take-All

Winner-Take-All deprives electors of the ability to debate and vote for the best person for President that the Founding Fathers wanted them to do. It also deprives much of the voters in a state of representation in the Electoral College.

Change #4 - Let Americans Elect their Electors Directly

Long ago, Americans elected their Electors in the Electoral College directly and elected great Presidents. Now Electors are selected by political parties to elect bad Presidents.

About Us

This is not about supporting the Democrats nor the Republicans nor Third Parties nor Independents. It's about organizing voters to stop our election process from electing another bad President by making sure no one wins the election on November 5th.

The peaceful way out of our partisan system and our divisive politics is a properly functioning Electoral College much like our Founding Fathers intended it to be. The Electoral College that many hate today has nothing to do with its original purpose of electing the best person as President and defending the Presidency from bad Presidents but we can restore it and it can save America.

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Presidential Candidates

Strategy to Stop Anyone from Winning the Presidential Election

This will force states to free their Electors from Pledges and Winner-Take-All and allow for deliberation on who to elect as President which can be any of 150 million qualified Americans. It will also force the Supreme Court to reconsider its erroneous ruling regarding "Faithless" Electors.

  • 1 Win California's 54 Electors to Prevent the Democrats from Winning

    California is currently vulnerable to the Democrats. It's their big Achilies Heel. Without California, the Democrats can't win. 97% of the $1 billion the Democrats will spend on the election will be spent in the Swing states. They cannot afford to divert those funds to the giant state of California or else they will lose.

    The strategy is to convince Trump voters to vote for a placeholder candidate instead of wasting their vote on Trump who cannot possibly win in California. This will allow them an opportunity to attack Biden and the Democrats. That gives us 25% of California's vote.

    Next we go after the Progressive vote. Progressives are deeply frustrated with Biden and the Democrats and voting for our placeholder candidate will allow them to strike back at Biden and the Democrats. Remeber that Bernie Sanders won the California Democratic Primary against Biden capturing 34% of the vote. That amounts to 17% of voters so now we are at 42% of California voters.

    Next we go after Independent voters which are 21% of California voters and infrequent voters. We just need to skim off 3% to 8% to defeat Biden and win California. We are likely to get the Independent voters who lean towards Trump.

    There is much more to say about California.

  • If the Supreme Court disqualifies Trump due to Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment for Insurrection, then this will really anger Trump supporters. They do not like either Nikki Haley nor Ron DeSantis which makes Texas easy pickings. Without Texas, the Republicans cannot win.

    Trump supporters can deliver a blow to the unworthy Republican candidate by joining Progressive voters in Texas to defeat both the Republican nominee and Biden. Biden and the Republican nominee would get nowhere near 50% of the vote. It would be a three way race where our coalition would easily beat the Republicans nominee and Biden.

    We would again use a placeholder candidate because Texas does not require Electors to Pledge their vote to a candidate. The Electors would not be bound to voting for our placeholder candidate but would be allowed to deliberate and vote as intended by our Founding Fathers.

  • If Trump is not disqualified from being President and is the Republican nominee, we will not try to win Texas. This would be seen as endangering Trump and Trump supporters would not support us in any way and we would lose California. We will still ensure Biden does not win but Trump still has to get 270 Electors which he might not be able to do. Our added value for Trump supporters will be the elimination of Biden by winning California.

    Most importantly though, in this situation, we will be adapting our strategy to the situation that will be very fluid. We will use other strategies to get rid of partisan control of the Presidency and restore the Electoral College. We won't stop until it gets done! There are other ways. The above plan is but one avenue to success.


At the moment, it's just me but that needs to change and soon.

Jean-Marc Noel Bertrand


My politics are my own and do not represent the Elector.Vote effort.

Refraining from doing what we blame in others. - Thales (600 BC)

Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you. - Confucius (500 BC)

Do to others what you would have them do to you. - Jesus (30 AD)

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2885 Sanford Ave SW #46817
Grandville, MI 49418

